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Writer's pictureCassie Farley

November Lookback - Residential Developments


An application was submitted by Robert H Jacobson- Revocable Trust, Laurie Stevens - Trustee & Owner, and Carter Scott of Transfarmations, Inc - Applicant, regarding the property located at 17 Christian Hill Road for final approval to subdivide as well as a conditional use permit. They are looking to depict a subdivision of land of existing Tax Map 5 Lot 100 to be divided into 22 new lots with a large remainder lot, and Tax Map 5 Lot 148 will be divided into 13 new lots - one being a condominium lot and one being a large remainder lot as a Planned Residential Development (PRD) it is zoned Residential-Rural.


Prescott Orchards Land Development is requesting a variance to allow three duplex residences with individual wells and septic systems. The parcel is located at 253 Prescott Road and is in the Residential Zone.


Shayne Gendron of Edward N Herbert Associates, Inc and Woodside III LLC who is the property owner submitted a conceptual site plan application. They are proposing a plan to construct 28 two-bedroom townhouse style units. This will be an active adult community which will be accessed by a private drive, the entrance will be on London Bridge Road.


Highland LLC submitted an application for a special exception of the zoning ordinance to permit a 25-unit senior living development located at 14-16 Highland Street. They also submitted two applications for variances of the zoning ordinance; to permit 120' of road frontage where 200' is required and to permit multiple buildings having 20' of horizontal separation where 35' is required.


Owner and applicants Gar-Bar Realty Trust proposed a site plan to construct a 65,100 Square foot four-story 40-unit multi-family building and associated site improvements. The property is located at 24 East Otterson Street.


New Hampshire Catholic Charities seeks a variance to permit construction of 83 residential units where 80-units is permitted by density. There will be a public hearing.


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